A survey of art history from the Classical era in Egypt, Greece, and Rome to the Late middle Ages( 15th century) in Western Europe. The course will give attention to the relationship of art and architecture to other facets of social, religious, cultural, and intellectual history. Formerly TFA-2020.

This course will trace the history of the "Castle" building at 500 Shaftesbury, beginning with the ecological setting, questions regarding treaty lands and the development of river lots, the plans for the development of what was to become the University of Manitoba in the Tuxedo area of Winnipeg, the architecture of the present building, particularly in the context of the Gothic Revival style and its connection to university and college architecture in British colonies, including the multitude of architectural and decorative details, and the use of the building from its beginning to the present. Prerequisite: 30 credit hours of university-level studies, including 6 credit hours of 1000- or 2000-level history.